It is with deep regret and sorrow that I bring you this tragic news. On Wednesday, the 23rd of August 2006, Andrew-chan is leaving Japan and everything in it. Andrew has been my loyal partner in crime since my very first day in Japan. We met at the airport and never looked back. Andrew I took on Tokyo the only way we knew how – drunk. I think we have both aged about 10 years in the 18 months we have been here but I think we also finally started to grow up. Last night we celebrated his farewell at a Shabu Shabu restaurant in Shinjuku and actually caught the last train home, a concept previously unheard of.
I’m devoed that he is leaving me, but on the upside he’s returning home to Sydney, which means we will be reunited for more shenanigans in the not too distant future. It means I have to wait until Christmas for long discussions over pints of beer about the state of our modern lives, for elaborate/inappropriate photo shoots, for random acts of chaos, impromptu dance routines and general mayhem.
Thank you for being here babe, Japan just would not have been the same without you. I love you lots and will see you soon.
Cue the cheesy montage.
Click below for a little impromptu interview that Andrew did with Alex and I in an Izakaya recently.
It’s the episode that had to come. I’ve been a little reluctant to write about my new boyfriend for fear of jinxing the budding relationship. But I’m pretty sure I got him in the bag now so I’ll spill the beans.
My boy is a J-giant. I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to find a Japanese man who wears bigger jeans than I do. The man is built because he’s a Pro-American Football player in Tokyo, which when you think about it really shouldn’t carry that much weight. But I still love to boast about it, regardless of the fact that I have never even seen an American Football game, even on TV and I still don't know what colour his team is. He thinks that I’ll love him more if I actually see him play a game.
Ishi is probably the most un-Japanese Japanese man I have met. He doesn’t have a shy bone in his body (unlike me). Last night at Andrew’s Sayonara party he gave me a quick rundown of his day (that’s me with the incredibly goofy laugh in the background but I couldn’t help it, he was too cute):
I broke an unwritten rule the other day when I suggested that he get English lessons (because I am starting Japanese). His response: “I’m not want to”. And you can’t argue with that. This coming from a man who told me Star Wars was his English teacher. Which actually makes perfect sense when you listen to him speak. His sentence structures resemble Yoda’s, maybe lacking the wisdom.
Anyway, he’ll probably be co-starring in my blog from now on, so soon you’ll get sick of hearing about him. His name is Ishi, stage name is Rock and he’s a beautiful man and my own personal rockstar.
It was Naomi's birthday on the 9th of June, which means I am about 2 & a half months late posting these pics. But better late than never ne? We went out to an Izakaya in Shibuya and then went on to a club that I have since forgotten the name of but it was a wicked night with B52's a plently and Naomi looked even more like a princess than usual. Love you girl x x