Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sweat Machine

I dont walk to work. I swim. It is so humid here I feel like I have to push through the hot, wet air and swim to work. It also means by the time I get there I'm dripping in sweat. It's totally sexy. All the cute little J-girls are trotting around in their glittering heels with their perfect hair and perfect matte skin without a trace of sweat. Meanwhile the giant, spotty, sweaty, gaijin meanders past about to drop from the heat, make-up sliding off her face, hair stuck to her head, sporting the sexiest sweat patches in Japan. But I've discovered their secret - PIT PADS. Yes, the good people of Japan have invented PIT PADS. A sanitary napkin for UNDER YOUR ARMS. I haven't tried these babies yet, I've only seen them in stores. But the woman on the packet seems totally happy with them and she can enjoy sweat stain free shirts. Anyhow, I must invest. When in Rome and all that. No need for those unsightly sweaty pits.